Yu No Yama Park

Yu No Yama Park is a secluded mountain viewpoint located right behind Ichino-Yu Hot Spring.

A hidden gem unknown even to many locals, visitors will be rewarded with one of Kinosaki Onsen’s best panoramic views after climbing the narrow stairway to the park’s observation point.

Visitors will know they are at the observation point once a small building with a statue sitting inside comes into view.

The antique statue was designed to commemorate Matsuo Bashō, one of Japan’s most celebrated poets who also visited Kinosaki Onsen.

A small stone plaque erected beside the building records one of Bashō’s haikus, “tabibito to waga na yobaren hatsu shigure.”

A traveller

That should be my name

The first rain


Kinosakicho Yushima, Toyooka, Hyogo 669-6101