Information listed below was last updated 02/2025 and is subject to change.Contact the business directly for updated information. Note, most businesses can only speak Japanese.
- Business Name
- Tantan Hot Spring
- Business Hours
14:00~21:00 last entry at 20:30 (weekdays)
11:00~21:00 last entry at 20:30 (weekends and holidays)
- Holidays / Closed
- Tuesdays (unless Tuesday is a national holiday)
- Telephone
- 0796-56-1511
- Homepage
This site is in Japanese.
- Entrance Fee
- Adult 800 yen, middle school student and younger 400 yen, 5 years old and younger free
- Language Support
Sorry, but only Japanese is spoken.
- Parking
- Free parking lot
470 Tantocho Sakano, Toyooka, Hyogo 668-0334
Tantan Hot Spring is located in Tanto Farming Village southeast of Kinosaki Onsen.
Indoor and outdoor baths are available for use along with a resting room, sauna, and cafe.