Jibasan History Archives

Documenting Toyooka's Bag Industry

Toyooka City has hundreds of years of rich bag-making history.

In addition to visiting downtown Toyooka’s Caban Street, the local hub for bag stores and workshops, those interested in viewing both traditional and modern Toyooka Bags are welcome to visit the Jibasan History Archives, a small museum located on the second floor of the Jibasan Building.

Willow Craft And Toyooka Kaban

It is said that Toyooka’s history as a bag-making town began with local craftsmen producing traveling containers created from materials from willow trees.

As these containers grew in popularity across the country during the Edo Period, bags created using weaving techniques known as yanagi gori (Willow Craft) and eventually western-style bags produced in Toyooka gave the city a reputation famous for bag-making.


Bags and trunks created using willow craft along with modern-day Toyooka Kaban bags  are on display.

Signs and a timeline written in Japanese detailing the history of Toyooka’s bag-making industry are also available for viewing.

Information listed below was last updated 07/2024 and is subject to change.Contact the business directly for updated information. Note, most businesses can only speak Japanese.


Business Name
Jibasan History Archives
Business Hours
9:00~17:00 (Depending on manager availability)

This site is in Japanese.

Entrance Fee
Free, if closed ask the manager in the office on the 2nd floor and they will open the museum.
Language Support
Sorry, but only Japanese is spoken.