Ankokuji Temple

Tanto Farming Village is surrounded by stretches of farmland and natural greenery.

Ankokuji Temple is Zen Buddhist temple has a history that dates back to 1345.

It is one of 68 Ankokuji temples scattered around Japan.

The temple is part of the Daitoku-ji branch of the Rinzai School, one of the three main sects of Zen Buddhism in Japan.

Unfortunately, it was destroyed by fire in 1717, but was later rebuilt and moved in 1904 to its current location.

Dodan-Tsutsuji (Enkianthus perultas)

Ankokuji Temple is best known for the gorgeous foliage event for the dodan-tsutsuji shrubs (Enkianthus perultas), which turn into flaming colors on the hill behind the temple’s main building in autumn.

Over 10 of these bushes are clustered together around the main bush, which is around 160 years old.

The bushes make a picturesque backdrop to the temple grounds, which welcome roughly 30,000 visitors during the autumn season who come to catch a glimpse of the brilliant scene, especially attractive when lit up in the evenings.


327, Tanto-cho Aida, Toyooka, Hyogo 668-0324
Average Price Range
500JPY during fall foliage event, middle school and younger free
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Sorry, but only Japanese is spoken.