Menu Sample

Information listed below was last updated 03/2024 and is subject to change. Contact the business directly for updated information. Note, most businesses can only speak Japanese.
- Business Name
- Agri Garden
- Business Hours
- 11:00 to 15:00 (14:00 last order)
- Holidays / Closed
- Sunday and Monday, closed everyday during winter
- Telephone
- 0796-45-0806
- Address
- 159-10 Hidakacho Tada, Toyooka, Hyogo 669-5371
- Homepage
This site is in Japanese.
- Language Support
- Sorry, but only Japanese is spoken.
- Language Support
- Enquiries in English are accepted by phone.
Agri Garden is small hideaway restaurant in the Kannabe Highlands. The restaurant features locally grown vegetables from the highlands, centered on the theme of “local production for local consumption.”